2020…Year in Review

No, this is not another spotify one. On that note, yes every man and his dog been sharing theirs (me included) but it really has been fun getting a window into people’s diverse tastes. Kanye might not have had election success this year, but he did win my 2020 prize. Well done Ye.

But anyway I digress. Back to this comeback article. The phrase “unprecedented times” have been produced ad nauseum, so I’ll just say what have we learned in this…unusual…year?

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White Lies- The Weapon of the Parent

I once had a goldfish. I think his name was Henry. Or Jonathan. Or some other bland Caucasian name (sorry!). My memory of the little guy is hazy, but I remember feeding him the moment I got home from Pre-School. One fateful day however, I bounded down the stairs to see the tank as usual, but no…ok let’s call him Henry. No Henry to be seen. The simple, crushing explanation from my Mum was that I had not fed him enough and he had as a result gone ‘belly up’, and been disposed of.

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The Pitfalls of the Pidgeonhole

Somewhat lost in ‘Beatlemania‘ was the sheer musical genius of Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys. The problem was Wilson’s attempt to run from the pigeonhole of songs about surfing and poppy tunes about girls into more meaningful art was met with opposition. As his bandmate Mike Love put it, “keep to the f***** formula!”

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